THE TOURNAMENT TO END ALL TOURNAMENTS: Bracket VIII, Second Round (Matches 389-392)

Ludvig Borga VS Kane
Kane sets the man who's gimmick was basically a mean Captain Planet on fire.

Barry Windham VS Bray Wyatt
Bray Wyatt (real name Windham Rotunda) may be named after his opponent (and Uncle), but I think he could take 'em. For real. Barry Windham was an NWA Champion and a former Horseman, but he's also the only guy I've ever seen get pinned during a Figure Four. (And I mean like, he forgot to kick out at three. Not like he was so woozy from blood loss that he lost.) Follow...The Buzzards (To Victory).

Cody Rhodes VS Dutch Mantel (aka Zeb Coulter)
This match could happen now, but in any era, my money's on Cody. Guy's got talent out the wazoo.
Marty Jannetty VS Balls Mahoney
Jannetty survived a plate glass window and a superkick; I think he can survive a chair-swingin' freak.
Kane defeats Ludvig Borga
Bray Wyatt defeats Barry Windham
Cody Rhodes defeats Dutch Mantel
Marty Jannetty defeats Balls Mahoney
Come on back for Bracket IX!
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