THE TOURNAMENT TO END ALL TOURNAMENTS: Brackets V-VIII, Third Round (Matches 549-556):
BRACKET V, Third Round (Matches 549 & 550):

Jackie Fargo VS Triple H
Jackie Fargo may have trained some of the best, but Triple H is one of the best. Believe In Evolution.

Monty Brown VS Chris Benoit
This is one that would have been smash mouthed, but when Brown would go for the Pounce, Benoit would sidestep him into the Crossface for the tapout. A brisk six minutes.
BRACKET VI, Third Round (Matches 551 & 552):

Alberto Del Rio VS "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Interesting matchup, but there's no way Austin would lose to ADR. About 14:38 for this one, then the Stunner, followed by a beer bath for e'erbody. (But because Austin can be a gracious motherfucker, he drenches Del Rio in Corona; also because WWE writing has never been great with subtlety.)

Bad News Brown VS Bobby Lashley
Allan "Bad News" Coage won the Bronze Medal for the U.S. in 1976 in Judo. The guy was legit. Lashley, however, not only has the action figure physique, the speed of a cat and the move set of a champ, but he went 8-1 in his MMA career. And while that wasn't in the UFC, it was still legit. Lashley has the tools to be a world champion if he wanted (and no, I don't count his reign as ECW Champion, because that belt was as important as the European title by then). Bad News was close, but Lashley could take him. It would be an interesting contest.
BRACKET VII, Third Round (Matches 553 & 554):

Matt Hardy VS Booker T
This would be a good match. Booker T has hella more singles experience though, and singles success. Spin-A-Rooney over the fallen Hardy Boy.

Masahiro Chono VS Davey Richards
Against conventional wisdom, I hafta go with Davey Richards. He's on that Daniel Bryan type of level skill wise, and his reign as ROH Champion was spectacular.
BRACKET VIII, Third Round (Matches 555 & 556):

Kane VS Bray Wyatt
Bay Wyatt is probably the second hottest commodity in wrestling today, but what's hotter than Hell Fire & Brimstone? Yes, Kane lost to Bray Wyatt at Summerslam last year, but we can all agree he wasn't exactly in his prime when he did so. (Neither was Bray Wyatt...yet.) Wyatt can out mind-game the Big Red Machine, but Kane can flat out destroy people when he gets his druthers. The Devil's Favorite Demon for the win.

Cody Rhodes VS Marty Jannetty
This would've been pretty damn good. Both guys are underrated as fuck. The difference is Cody still has a chance to prove everybody wrong. (It also helps that he didn't get himself fired more times than anybody can count, but that's neither here nor there.) Anyway, I gotta give the edge to Cody, because even though Jannetty had as much potential as Shawn Michaels, he never lived up to it. Cody may still.
Triple H defeats Jackie Fargo
Chris Benoit defeats Monty Brown
Steve Austin defeats Alberto Del Rio
Bobby Lashley defeats Bad News Brown
Booker T defeats Matt Hardy
Davey Richards defeats Masahiro Chono
Kane defeats Bray Wyatt
Cody Rhodes defeats Marty Jannetty
Come on back for Brackets IX, X, XI and XII!
Jackie Fargo VS Triple H
Jackie Fargo may have trained some of the best, but Triple H is one of the best. Believe In Evolution.

Monty Brown VS Chris Benoit
This is one that would have been smash mouthed, but when Brown would go for the Pounce, Benoit would sidestep him into the Crossface for the tapout. A brisk six minutes.
BRACKET VI, Third Round (Matches 551 & 552):

Alberto Del Rio VS "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Interesting matchup, but there's no way Austin would lose to ADR. About 14:38 for this one, then the Stunner, followed by a beer bath for e'erbody. (But because Austin can be a gracious motherfucker, he drenches Del Rio in Corona; also because WWE writing has never been great with subtlety.)
Bad News Brown VS Bobby Lashley
Allan "Bad News" Coage won the Bronze Medal for the U.S. in 1976 in Judo. The guy was legit. Lashley, however, not only has the action figure physique, the speed of a cat and the move set of a champ, but he went 8-1 in his MMA career. And while that wasn't in the UFC, it was still legit. Lashley has the tools to be a world champion if he wanted (and no, I don't count his reign as ECW Champion, because that belt was as important as the European title by then). Bad News was close, but Lashley could take him. It would be an interesting contest.
BRACKET VII, Third Round (Matches 553 & 554):

Matt Hardy VS Booker T
This would be a good match. Booker T has hella more singles experience though, and singles success. Spin-A-Rooney over the fallen Hardy Boy.

Masahiro Chono VS Davey Richards
Against conventional wisdom, I hafta go with Davey Richards. He's on that Daniel Bryan type of level skill wise, and his reign as ROH Champion was spectacular.
BRACKET VIII, Third Round (Matches 555 & 556):

Kane VS Bray Wyatt
Bay Wyatt is probably the second hottest commodity in wrestling today, but what's hotter than Hell Fire & Brimstone? Yes, Kane lost to Bray Wyatt at Summerslam last year, but we can all agree he wasn't exactly in his prime when he did so. (Neither was Bray Wyatt...yet.) Wyatt can out mind-game the Big Red Machine, but Kane can flat out destroy people when he gets his druthers. The Devil's Favorite Demon for the win.
Cody Rhodes VS Marty Jannetty
This would've been pretty damn good. Both guys are underrated as fuck. The difference is Cody still has a chance to prove everybody wrong. (It also helps that he didn't get himself fired more times than anybody can count, but that's neither here nor there.) Anyway, I gotta give the edge to Cody, because even though Jannetty had as much potential as Shawn Michaels, he never lived up to it. Cody may still.
Triple H defeats Jackie Fargo
Chris Benoit defeats Monty Brown
Steve Austin defeats Alberto Del Rio
Bobby Lashley defeats Bad News Brown
Booker T defeats Matt Hardy
Davey Richards defeats Masahiro Chono
Kane defeats Bray Wyatt
Cody Rhodes defeats Marty Jannetty
Come on back for Brackets IX, X, XI and XII!
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