THE TOURNAMENT TO END ALL TOURNAMENTS: Bracket I, Second Round (Matches 361-364)

Sweet Daddy Falcone VS Bobo Brazil
Both guys have size and power, but for real. A Hall Of Famer against a guy who doesn't even have a Wikipedia page? Bobo advances.
Rob Conway VS Luke Harper
Not even the con man can overcome a seven foot swamp dweller (who just gave John Cena a run for his money last night). Harper gator rolls to victory.

Mason Ryan VS Jim Londos
I think the Greek God of the Great Depression would tie this ex-New Nexus musclehead up in knots. Londos in four and a half.
"Wild Man" Marc Mero VS Mark Henry
Johnny B. Badd was better than a lot of people remember, but him attacking Mark Henry would be like a mackerel flapping against a brick wall. Then that brick wall coming to life and flattening him with a world's strongest slam. Henry goes over in six.
Come on back for Bracket II!
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