In April of 2000, I tasked myself with writing a 1,000 line poem in as short a time as I could.  Thirty-eight handwritten pages later, I had my "masterpiece".  It was about how the apocalypse is inevitable and on a long enough timeline life is futile, etc, etc.

Looking back on it in 2010, I realized it was some really bad goth poetry (I was 18 and it was the end of High School; whadd'ya want?), so I furiously re-wrote and edited huge swaths of it to make it something more sea-worthy.  I thought I did reasonably well, so in 2011 I recorded the thing to Audacity and...there it's sat on my hard drive ever since.  I thought my poetry book Solutions To Manmade Problems would come out in 2012, but here we are eight years later, the book has changed lineups and I've changed styles in writing both more than once, so I don't know if it's ever actually going to be a thing (global situations notwithstanding).

Because I have this dearth of material I've been sitting on for the better part of a decade (with the poems, some of them for more than two), I decided "Why not now?"  So I'm going to start rolling out audio poems and new songs at a pretty regular clip.  This is the first taste; hope y'all stay thirsty:


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