MUSIC REVIEWS, 7-22-2024

 Y’know what?  Fuck it.  Put me in as Vice President, how hard can it be?

The cover of "The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grace)" by Eminem.  It shows the Slim Shady character with a dead-eyed stare and gaping mouth peeking out of an open body bag.

Eminem “The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grace)”

Real question: how many people listening to this even thought about Caitlin Jenner in the last eight years?

There are a few problems with the conceit of this album: namely, he thinks the offensive shit he’s saying is shocking, when it’s just played out.  This “Old Me VS New & Improved Me” schtick only works if A) The things Slim says are compelling, B) The things Marshall says actually show growth and C) if the songs are any good at all.  Fail on all three counts.

Instead of what could have been an interesting premise on Marshall Mathers LP 2 (back when he could still (occasionally) write good lyrics and at least half his beats were still decent), we get much too little, far too late.  The Death Of Slim Shady was a long time ago; this is an autopsy.

And the worst part is this is his best album since 2013.  Much like House, MD., I can’t believe I ever liked this (and I used to love it).

The cover of Remi Wolf's "Big Ideas".  Remi stands against a red clay background, looking to her right.

Remi Wolf “Big Ideas”

This album puts a big ol’ smile on my face.  It has me closing my eyes, tapping my toes and vibing.  It too follows a conceptual arc, but one of a relationship.  One that starts amazing, one that’s perfect.  A little too perfect.  Burns a little too bright.  So of course by the midway point it hits turbulence and the feelings turn melancholy, but you keep hoping these two kids can pull it out.

Big Ideas sees Remi Wolf graduating from an indie DIY pop sound full of quirk to a lush rock sound that still has her previous earmarks for texture, but by way of a bigger budget.  Her 2021 album Juno was great, but this is a step up from even that.  The one to beat so far for 2024.

The cover to St. Vincent's "All Born Screaming".  St. Vincent is flailing her arms, which are on fire, at night.

St. Vincent “All Born Screaming”

After first listen, I was thinking this was Top five material.  After a few more listens, I’m thinking this barely scrapes under a 7 out of 10.  At first I was just glad to have an album better than Daddy’s Home, but now that that’s worn off I noticed: the tunes are there (on eight out of the 10 tracks; “Hell Is Near” doesn’t exist and “The Power’s Out” is an apt name for that one), but St. Vincent’s usual lyrical sharpness just doesn’t come into play.  She doesn’t present her cold cleverness nor her penchant for humanizing things; she’s just kinda vague.  And that missing element plops All Born Screaming into Good, not Great.

The cover of Lip Critic's "Hex Dealer".  It's a white field with a freaky looking pair of eyes and smiling mouth in the bottom right corner, warped in dimension.

Lip Critic “Hex Dealer”

Imagine brandishing a baseball bat like a Samurai sword in an alley full of assailants you’re not sure are really there.  And the alley part of that metaphor is very intentional: the reverb on this album somehow makes it sound more claustrophobic.  Like you’re outside, but still trapped.  You know there’s no choice but to fight your way out, because what if they are real?

Musically, I think this is what I wanted out of MSPAINT but only got out of the song “Hardwired”.  Hex Dealer has Ragga, Nu Metal, Hip Hop, Big Beat and Industrial influences that slam together like a storm system and possess you with its lightning.  You’re bouncing off the walls if you’re paying attention to this.  You have no choice.

The lyrics fuel this paranoia; a song called “Love Can Redeem You” is all about cutting lines of communication, burying your money in a tomb and bugging the fuck out.  And as for feeling external anxiety and pressure, the line “Fuck that selfish man / I got no time for a selfish man” on “Death Lurking” is the vibe of the year.  

This is like if Jpegmafia made a metal album.  It’s like if Fred Schneider went full nihilist/prepper and hated the world.  It’s like if Cheekface traded in snark for glue, rags and broken glass.  This is one of the best albums of the year and depending on what mood I’m in by December, Remi Wolf already has competition.

The album cover of Glass Animals's "I Love You So F***king Much".  It's a pair of mismatched eyes in the dark hovering over the album title.

Glass Animals “I Love You So F***king Much”

More like ASS ANIMALS, AMIRITE!?!?!?  HAhahahahah.

But no, I didn’t listen to this and neither should you.  It’s Glass Animals.  Based on the clips I heard from CBS This Morning, it sounds less abrasively horrible than their prior output, but still makes me feel like I’m missing nothing by skipping it.  I just couldn’t resist the pun.

And that’ll do it for this go ‘round.  I’m having a pretty good summer, and I hope you are too.  I think next time will be a Hit Mix, which should be surprising since they’re supposed to be seasonal, but it’ll probably be Summer Pt. 2 because I have 46 songs already.  This has been a bumper year for songs, I tell ya.  You keep your eyes peeled and I’ll keep you abreast.

You Never Know…


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