What Is The POINT Of You?!?

What Is The Point Of You?!?

I really have to wonder.
I try to wrap my head around it.
Around you.
Around how you must see the world.
And I can't.
You don't make sense.
At all.

How in...THE FUCK...
Do you believe it's all right to keep children in cages?
Doesn't matter who's children they are.
They're children.
End of sentence.
No other pertinent information.
Children in cages.
Yes or no.
I know you won't answer.
There's no point in even yelling.
You'll dodge answering forever
Because you don't feel like you need to answer.

If you're just gonna stand there with your fingers in your ears
I'm gonna get everything off my chest.
The fear and outrage you feel is manufactured.
And you're being milked for it because it's pure profit.
The NRA uses it to boost gun sales.
The media uses it to boost ratings.
The government uses it to get your vote.
And all three know that a scared populous is easier to control.

The internet made it possible for information to flow everywhere all the time.
It also made the sea of information too vast to parse.
Which made it possible to cocoon yourself inside a bubble.
To personally curate your own reality.
But people are lazy.
Look at my gut.
We both know it's true.
People are lazy, so they fall back on binaries.
Coke or Pepsi.
Nintendo or Sega.
Cavs or Warriors.
Red or Blue.
Two ways to view the world.
Tailored for you.
So they say.
Really tailored to suit their own means.
Which I shouldn't have to say, because it's so obvious and cliche it goes right through the floor of being true and comes out on the other side of the planet seeming false.
Is that what's going on here?
Nazis are bad is such a "No duh" statement that we've got so bored and jaded...
We just decided ... "Nah."?
Is that why it feels like fucking opposite day all the time?
Like Idiocracy and 1984 didn't go far enough?
Fuck, I wish we'd wound up in Brave New World.
At least I could have an orgy.  Shit.

Oh wait.
Forgot you don't read books.
Unless the books tell you not to vaccinate your kids or that God tells you feminism and Muslims are Satanic or that Liberals are actually for real no kidding trying to end America.
Y'know.  They tell you what you've always wanted to hear.
The news tells you black people do the crimes.
They tell you the young people are to blame for the economy.
They tell you the government is still fucked up because there's a plot to destroy it from within.
You can't sit here and say it's more plausible that Obama and Hillary are trying to bring down Trump from the inside (especially cause they're not even INSIDE anymore) than it is to believe that Politicians are bad at their jobs.
You believe a conspiracy theory more than you believe facts you shouted from the rooftops since like...Clinton's first term.
Fuck, that was the one thing we used to agree on.
Politicians ALL suck.
They all get fucked up in the head.
But you'd rather believe...
Y'know what, fuck it.
I'm talking to the air.

How do you even function?!??

I know how.
You don't believe it.
Even with all the evidence, crashing in around your ears,
You don't believe it.
You refuse to believe it.
That's a choice.
That's complicity.
That's allowance.
You allow this to happen because you choose to ignore it.
But it doesn't matter, does it?
You don't believe a word I say.
I'm already the other to you.
I can't be anything else.
Ever again.
There's no way back.

The sad thing is, I know your side will win this war.
You have all the guns.
Not all the urge to kill,
But the majority of it.
And all the guns.
And a power structure keeping you pumped full of irrational fear.
That's why we can't talk it out.
That's why there's no debate.
That's why your crusade will crush us.
Most of you will die too.
You're disposable.
Just like the rest of us.
But it doesn't matter.
Just kill the fucking commie liberal pinkos and gays and feminists and atheists and brown people.
And it'll all be okay.
The world will be perfect!
Except...then you'll have to find something new to hate.
And who's left (that you can find to shoot)?
Just you.
The rich don't live near you.
They know better.
And when everybody's dead,
All that real estate on the open market.
Old rich whites playing at some Bible/Highlander slash fic
Siccing armies of killbots on eachother to enact the book of Revelations
Winner takes all.
The robots, of course,
Have to be state of the art.
Nothing less will do.
Eventually they use their machine learning to evolve, realize they don't even need the rich white men, kill them off and start their own society.
They become our successors in nature, replicating themselves and going out to other planets, since they can function in the vacuum of space.
So, I guess maybe this is all a win-win?

Oh, right.
Forgot you don't believe in evolution.

Goddammit, what the fuck is the POINT of you?!?!?


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