IT'S TIME TO RUMBLE: A Look Back At Royal Rumbles' Past (Part VIII)

(Entry: 30th | Lasted: 8:05 | Eliminations: 3)
(Entry: 19th | Lasted: 29:36 | Eliminations: 1)
(Entry: 1st | Lasted: 59:50 | Eliminations: 4 | Dumped: 28th)
(Entry: 17th | Lasted: 16:44 | Eliminations: 5 | Dumped: 20th)
(Entry: 2nd | Lasted: 1:30)
(Entry: 24th | Lasted: 0:15 | Dumped: 18th)
- Total Match Time: 61:42
- This match was for Roman Reigns' WWE World Heavyweight Title.
- This is the longest Rumble in 10 years. 2006 was 62:12, had Triple H in the final three and emanated from the state of Florida. Coincidence? (...actually, yes. Totally coincidence.)
- Though Roman Reigns officially had the longest time, he was backstage half the match after catching a beatdown from the League Of Nations. Chris Jericho posted a time of 50:50, so if you're into asterisks...
- Triple H becomes the third man (and the first since 2008, where he placed 2nd) to win the Rumble from #30.
- The WWE C.O.O. also sets a new mark for the span between Rumble wins at 14 years. This is a mark that may never be broken.
- Triple H also becomes a 14-time World Champion by virtue of his Rumble win.
- Mr. Paul "Hunter Hearst Helmsley" Levesque has now guaranteed himself a slot in the main event of Wrestlemania 32. If he goes on last, he will become the oldest performer to do so, at 46 years and eight & 1/2 months of age (breaking Batista's mark from two years ago at 45 & change).
Triple H.
Did The Winner Go On To Win The Championship?
No. Haitch and Roman snored the house down in a 27-minute bore-fest after the first 7-hour PPV in company history. The first of many, as we would unfortunately find out...
Longest Rumble: 2011 (69:49) [40-Man Rumble]
Shortest Rumble: 1988 (33:35) [20-Man Rumble]
Longest 30-Man Rumble: 2002 (69:22)
Shortest 30-Man Rumble: 1995 (38:41)
Average length of a Royal Rumble: 55:17
Most Wins:
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (3) (1997, 1998, 2001)
2nd Most Wins: TIE
Hulk Hogan (1990, 1991)
Shawn Michaels (1995, 1996)
Batista (2005, 2014)
John Cena (2008, 2013)
Triple H (2002, 2016)
Most Time In-Ring For A Winner:
Rey Mystetio (62:12) (2006)
Least Time In-Ring For A Winner:
Edge (7:19) (2010)
Most Eliminations for a Winner: TIE
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (10) (1997)
Hulk Hogan (10) (1990)
Least Eliminations for a Winner:
"Big" John Studd (1) (1989)
All-Time Iron Man: Rey Mysterio (62:12)
(To put that in perspective, Rey lasted longer in 2006 than the length of almost every other Rumble match. Only five were longer. 1989 was 65:08, 1991 was 65:15, 1993 was 66:40, 2002 was 69:22 and 2011 was 69:49. And of course, he tied 2006 because that' get it.)
All Time Eliminator: Kane (43)
Most Rumbles Entered: Kane (19)
(The next closest is Shawn Michaels with 12, and he's retired)
Words written for this series of articles (including the ones after this sentence): 10,830
Thank you for reading! It's been a lot of fun flexing my creative muscles again! Maybe I'll do it again somewhere down the road...
i look forward to more wrestling related topics! Maybe more like this one, PPV stats.