
A lot of EPs come out nowadays, and being sometimes I don't have an hour to give music, like I just want something to quick wash the dishes with, I bump an EP.  It's an underappreciated (and ill-defined) delivery method of music, so let's take a gander at some of the newest releases that also respect your busy schedule:

gayle "a study of the human experience volume one" 

Some cool production turns on here to liven up the otherwise bog standard 2010's pop rock presets (the moment where they go to a room mic for the last chorus of "luv starved" stands out in particular).  This is the first time I've heard "abcdefu" in its entirety, so there's that.  I honestly thought it would be more annoying, but I think overplay would make it insufferable; I can see the hate.  No, the most annoying moment on here is the end of "sleeping with my friends" where "eeeennnhhh" over and over again is the entire bridge.  (We're talking like 30 seconds of this shit.)

But really, the problem with this EP is its selling point of teenage awkwardness.  That paired with such competent, slick production, roughed up juuust right on the edges to try and make it more "authentic" just doesn't match the tone of the songs.  This needed a little something else to make it less professional I think.  (And that's me trying as hard as I can as a 40 year old man to not take points off for 16 year-old lyrics.  It's easy enough most of the time because the other crime of this EP is it's unremarkable; then again there's more fuck words than needed, just on a repetition level.)

Ultimately, given the end of the road for the single and the lack of buzz or support for this project, I'm worried we won't get a "volume two".  This is gayle's first project and for a 17 year old's first release, it's not bad.  There's room for improvement, sure, but it's a solid foundation to build from.  Let's hope the winds don't blow her construction away.

Nonpoint "Ruthless"

Ironically, the breakdown in "I Don't Care" is the first moment that got me to care on this 5-song set.  It's another underwhelming batch from Nonpoint, but it's only kind of underwhelming (as opposed to their last decade of output).  And it's only five tracks, so all in all it's a slight improvement.  Still kinda thunder-chud-ish, but not brain dead.  Want 18 minutes of sorta fun nu-metal, give this a try.  (Well, 14 minutes.  That cover of "When Doves Cry" is pretty lifeless.)

Tropical Fuck Storm & King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard "Satanic Slumber Party"

An intro, a pretty good five minute song and 12 minutes of noise bullshit.  Worth it for track 2, though; I like how the entire six person band of King Giz barges into the song to do the hook and bridge like it's a guest verse on a rap song.  That's neat.

Qveen Herby "Mad Qveen"

So she's doing 7-song EPs now.  There's that.  Qveen Herby has been consistent-ish for their whole run (can't say the same for when the duo was named Karmin).  They're close to great at their best and boring as dirt at their worst, shot through with a dose of cringe all along the way.  "Cruella" is waaay too "Hollaback Girl" by way of Doja Cat for my liking.  

Kirk Hammett "Portals"

Really interesting to hear what Kirk Hammett has to say outside of the Metallica context.  It gives insight into him and the band.  And apparently, he's wanted to do some soundtrack work, which makes sense since he's a big movie buff.

This four song, 27 minute all instrumental set is actually pretty dang good.  It's co-arranged by some guy who worked on S&M 2, so the orchestral parts were in good hands.  I admit the drum sound is a bit distracting for me because they're going for this epic, cinematic feel and it seems like they're using some pretty stock Roland presets.  You can spice that up in post, you know; just sayin'.

But overall, cool riffs, some neat arrangements and more disciplined soloing than you would expect after the last 15 years of Metallica.  I hope he does more!

Moon Tooth "Alpha Howl"

Some higher octane than usual blues metal.  Makes me think: is the difference between the stuff I like and mainstream metal that this has rolls and some speed picking in it?  Some of this might have a chance if they chilled out a bit and that is exactly what would suck the soul out of the music.  Take the attitude down, smooth it back a bit, flatten the edges then curve them...voila!  This could be a fourth tier band on hard rock radio.  But keep that shit in, bury the needle a couple of times, sing with some gusto and yeah you made a head-bobbing EP of pretty decent rock that few will hear.  Either way it's catchy.

(P.S.: This BETTER be an EP and not the first four songs on an album that changes name and cover art every time they add a new song to it.  I'm REALLY sick of that shit.)

(P.P.S., as of 5/20/22: Son of a bitch!  The full album's called Phototroph.  Came out about a month after I wrote this review.)

Asher Roth & Heather Grey "Why's It So Grey Out?"

A brief, breezy set of laid back raps with a little bit of glitch in a song or two.  Music that you can close your eyes and bob your head to, just have on in the background or pay full attention to and get something out of all three modes.

shya "infatuation"

The artist formerly-known-as (or even currently-known-as?  I don't look them up because the mystique is almost half the appeal) Sewerslvt, shya has put out...Jesus, eleven projects this year?  And they're not all EPs either: most are in the 45 minute range, but there's also two 80+ minute ones and a two and a half hour album in there as well.  

I stumbled across Sewerslvt because I looked up the word "Cyberia", and if you know anything about the Serial Experiments Lain: Cyberia Mix CD, then this'll be RIGHT up your alley.  It's that turn-of-the-millennium goodness straight out of 1AM.  It's also a sound that's doing well on TikTok right now (PinkPantheress being the most famous example I can think of).  Drum and bass is having a nice resurgence and I'm here for this shit.  infatuation definitely scratches a nostalgic itch, but I think the layers of ambient melodic padding take it to a different place.  It's not re-inventing the wheel, but the tires are fresh, so I recommend taking this one for a spin.

That'll about do it for now.  Next go 'round it'll be back to full albums and boy are those piling up.  Take it easy out there.

Love Over Fear.



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