The Top 11 Bad-Ass MF'ers Of...This List!

Hey, whut up?  We divertifyn' naw, so we'z do listicals up in dis piece, y'dig?  Here's 11 people with the initials M.F.!  (Number 9 is a surprise? [No it's not.])

1. Millard Fillmore

The 13th President of the United States (1850-1853).

2. Michael Fraunti

 3. Morgan Freeman


4. Maxwell Factor

5. Matt Flynn


6. MF Grimm


7. MF Doom

8. Megan Fox


9. Marty Friedman


While this might seem odd to Westerners, Marty Friedman calls this "Tuesday".

10. Myron Floren

 11. Um...Mana Flare?  Sure, Mana Flare.

NOW RETWEET THE SHIT OUT OF IT!!!  (This ain't twitter.)  Fuck!


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