Spring Hit Mix 2025
It's that time again already! I managed to whittle this down from 54 songs and 3hrs 20 min to its current state, but it's still a lot. Hope you like music, because I've got some for you! I've only listened to three albums from 2025 so far (and one of them I recorded in 2023), but holy man, the songs faucet is stuck OPEN. I have eleven tracks for the next playlist already, and they're all fuckin' great! Don't worry if you see something that's not in one of your preferred genres; I don't pay attention to that word much anyways. The first four songs are Pop Rock, Metal, Bubble Grunge and Indie Pop respectively (at my best guess; I can't be arsed to look up what they "actually" are). Hell, track five is from a genre that didn't exist until somebody had a dream about it and when they posted about it on twitter a group of DJs made a comp of music fitting the description (it's called "Hit 'Em"). So like Wisconsi...